Original Articles

Evaluation of Antioxidant Potential and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Methanol Extract from Scrophularia striata


Objectives: The effectiveness of Scrophularia striata in controlling infections and promoting wound healing has been reported. This study aimed to investigate the antioxidant properties of the methanol extract from Scrophularia striata.
Methods: Scrophularia striata, a perennial wild plant found in various temperate and tropical areas of Iran, underwent a methanol extraction process to obtain its active compounds. The antioxidant property of the methanol extract of Scrophularia striata was evaluated by quantifying the total antioxidant level, determining the total phenol content, and conducting DPPH radical scavenging assays.
Results: As the extraction concentrations of Scrophularia striata increase, both the total antioxidant level and total phenol content rise dramatically. With the progression of time and increase in plant extract concentrations, the efficacy of DPPH radical scavenging also shows a corresponding enhancement. Moreover, the IC50% value of Scrophularia striata for DPPH radical scavenging consistently decreases over the observation period.
Conclusion: The data suggest that Scrophularia striata possesses antioxidant properties. The presence of flavonoids and phenolic compounds in Scrophularia striata highlights its potential to alleviate various disorders by modulating oxidative stress levels.

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IssueVol 1 No 2 (2023) QRcode
SectionOriginal Articles
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/abi.v1i2.14103
Scrophularia Striata Antioxidant Oxidative Stress Total Phenol

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How to Cite
Shiri H, Karimpour A, Sattari M, Hemmati S, Seyyedebrahimi S, Panahi G. Evaluation of Antioxidant Potential and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Methanol Extract from Scrophularia striata. ABI. 2023;1(2):71-77.