Review Article

The Relationship Between Chemerin Gene Polymorphism and the Incidence of Various Diseases


Adipose tissue is recognized as an endocrine organ that influences the health status of other tissues by releasing various adipokines. Chemerin is one such adipokine, and its serum level exhibits a positive correlation with the amount of fat tissue and obesity. Certain genetic polymorphisms of chemerin, namely rs17173608, rs1799983, rs693, rs4721, and rs3735167, are known to be associated with diseases such as diabetes, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), obesity, insulin resistance (IR), cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome (MetS), end stage renal disease (ESRD), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Existing data suggest that chemerin is also associated with inflammatory diseases. This review focuses on the association between the genetic variants or polymorphisms of chemerin and some pathological states.

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Chemerin gene polymorphism diabetes adipokines

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How to Cite
Mazloomi S, Goodarzi MT. The Relationship Between Chemerin Gene Polymorphism and the Incidence of Various Diseases. ABI. 2023;1(2):65-70.